Framed by Jenni Photography LLC

framed by Jenni services

Package 1: The Basics

  • Phone consultation
  • 1 hour of coverage
  • Location of your choice
  • 50 edited digital images
  • Online gallery for viewing and downloading

Package 2: The Essential

  • Phone Consultation
  • 1.5 hours of coverage
  • 100 edited digital images
  • Location of your choice
  • Online gallery for viewing and downloading

Package 3: The Complete

  • Phone Consultation
  • 2 hours of coverage
  • Location of your choice
  • 170 edited digital images
  • Online gallery for viewing and downloading

  • Phone Consultation
  • 1.5 hours of coverage
  • 100 edited digital images
  • Location of your choice
  • Online gallery for viewing and downloading

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